IFRTD Strategy

The transport and development sector is changing - broad initiatives such as theexecutive-committee Millennium Development Goals are shaping the international context whilst issues such as safety, gender, trade and urban transport are rising up the agenda. Increasingly transport is seen as a cross-cutting issue with its significance being recognised across a variety of sectors such as energy, economics and the environment. In the five years since IFRTD developed its last strategy it is not just the external environment that has changed, but the network itself. Membership has tripled, National Forum Groups (NFGs) and Communities of Practice have been introduced and expanded, regional networks have taken on their own identity and networked research programmes have been established as a successful approach to bridging research, policy and implementation.

It is in this context that IFRTD endorsed its 2007-2011 strategy. The Strategy is a clear statement of what the Forum wants to achieve, and how we hope to achieve it. At the very start is our new vision: "poor and vulnerable communities in developing countries are able to improve their lives through enhanced mobility, access and economic opportunity". In working to achieve this vision the six sections of the strategy: What we stand for; What we do; Who we are; How we organise; How we generate resources; and How we assess our work, set out key priorities that will guide the Forum's work over the next five years.

Strategy Development Process

The strategy was developed during an intensive year long consultation and the same principles contained in the document of non-hierarchical, democratic and participatory networking were applied to the process itself. The Forum's members must be recognised and thanked for the time and resources they have provided during the strategy development process. IFRTD is a global network operating at the international, regional, national and local level and the strategic priorities it contains are a reflection of the views across all of IFRTD's constituents (for more information on the process please see Annex 1 in the strategy document downloadable below).

The document was officially endorsed by representatives from IFRTD's regions, institutional members, donors and co-opted members at the Executive Committee meeting held in London from the 27-29 November 2006.

The 18 strategic priorities form the backbone of IFRTD's work plans at the international, regional and national level. IFRTD has developed a set of simple and common indicators to ensure upward and downward accountability for the strategy. These indicators were developed for a Logical Framework Analysis included in the new core funding agreement with Sida ( click on the link below to download the Logframe).



Contact Person: Peter Njenga
Position: Executive Director and Coordinator East and Southern Africa
Tel/Fax: +254 (20) 883323
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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